Portion control in weight management – one size plate doesn’t fit all

Addressing portion sizes with a patient looking to lose weight can be a difficult conversation. Jane Calow looks at some strategies.

Scan, swipe and swap! NHS Food Scanner App at hand for healthier choices

Read about a Dietitian's involvement in the NHS Better Health's new NHS Food Scanner app.

Weight management for people with learning disabilities

The BDA Mental Health Specialist Interest Group has been working with the Public Affairs team to conduct a roundtable to highlight issues, perspective and challenges regarding weight management in the learning disabilities population

The influence of time-restricted eating on weight management and metabolic health

Michael Titmus critically appraises the evidence base for time-restricted eating and considers the implications for dietetic practice.

Changing the narrative of festive feasting

Many media outlets use this time of year to share harmful messaging around weight gain, Dietitian Sophie Medlin explains why this is so damaging.

Why the government's new strategy for obesity needs to avoid weight stigma

With the Government expected to publish its latest strategy for obesity in the next week, Dr Adrian Brown RD, Lucy Perrow RD and Dr Stuart W. Flint make the case for why avoiding weight stigma within the communications and delivery of the strategy will be so important.

Weight Loss

We know that achieving a healthier weight can be a challenge and maintaining a healthier weight can be difficult too. This fact sheet will support you to get started and keep going.