17 Nov 2020

Your COVID Recovery Programme

The Your COVID Recovery (YCR) Programme is an online platform, designed for service users to walk through their recovery independently with multidisciplinary input.

It is an interactive, self-directed tool to empower service users to make lifestyle changes to support their recovery from COVID-19. Individuals will be able to set goals, and will be sign posted to resources to support them in achieving their goal.

The YCR Programme is an excellent resource giving clinicians and the public access to dietitian-led dietary advice specific to recovery from COVID-19.

Open publicly available site

First of all, there is a platform that is open access to everyone. On this section of the website application you can find information about eating a balanced diet and first line advice for malnutrition.

You will also find information to include tips for taste and smell changes. Other content includes multidisciplinary advice to support a range of COVID-19 symptoms to include, coughing, fatigue, swallowing and pain.

Online, interactive rehabilitation programme

After logging in with a personal code, service users are able to set their own goals, and access interactive rehabilitation components that are specific to their goals. There is a symptom tracker.  

Each local system will nominate a group of healthcare professionals that will be trained to accept referrals to and support those using Your COVID recovery. These clinicians will be able to access the service user’s data and view their progress via an administration area of the platform.

The system offers patients an ‘ask the healthcare professional’ facility. Each rehabilitation centre will have a discrete administration site to view patient progress through the site and respond to these patient questions at a local level, ensuring full local ownership of the caseload.

There will be patient discussion forums for the development of local communities of patients with post-COVID syndrome.

The YCR rehabilitation platform is now available for services to register and all healthcare services in England are being encouraged to register to be users and referrers to the programme. Once registered, you can access a training package to support you to refer your clients to the YCR Programme.

All UK service users can access the publicly available site, however currently the online interactive rehabilitation programme is only currently available in England.

Start using Your COVID Recovery now

Access and explore the platform today

If you are a dietetic service manager please register your service and access training for your staff via [email protected]

Read guidance for the online interactive platform

Thank you

The BDA has had heavy involvement, along with the wider multidisciplinary team, in the production of this programme from the start of development right through to launch. We would like to take this as an opportunity to thank all members who have supported and contributed to the content development for the Your COVID Recovery Programme.

BDA Blogs


Chloe Adams

Policy Officer for Professional Practice, British Dietetic Association