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About us

The BDA Head and Neck Sub-Group is part of the Oncology specialist group. The committee is formed of Dietitians who have worked in, currently work or have a specialist interest in Head and Neck cancer. The committee is represented by Dietitians from across England. We welcome Dietitians from the other nations to join the committee to ensure inclusion and diversity.   

Membership of the group is on an individual basis. We currently have nearly 266 members, and we welcome new members to join the group to network.

The group works alongside professional bodies and associations, continually promoting Dietetics within the Head and Neck field. The group also has representation from higher education. We welcome collaborative working with charities and aim to ensure accurate information is being provided to our patient cohort.  


  • To provide a network for Dietitians working with Head and Neck patients at all points along the treatment pathway.

  • To influence national policy and guidance

  • To promote prehabilitation and rehabilitation

  • To assist members who are looking to expand Head and Neck Dietetic time in their care provider.   

  • To provide an environment for Dietitians and other health care professionals to learn about Head and Neck Dietetics through effective communication.

  • To provide advice to charities and other organisations with respect to nutrition in the Head and Neck patient at any point during the treatment pathway.

  • Help facilitate research and audit amongst members of the group.

  • Support the development of materials such as newsletters, standards, guidance or patient information.