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The BDA Critical Care Specialist Group has developed the introduction to critical care dietetics to support foundational level learning.  The course aims to improve your awareness of the dietetic and physiological principles that are essential to working in the critical care setting, whilst supporting you to develop the confidence required to autonomously work in this environment.

The course will involve some pre-course learning hosted on the BDA Learning Zone followed by an interactive face to face study day where you will learn amongst peers as you work your way through a number of critical care scenario, enabling you to practically apply the knowledge learnt in the pre-coursework and further develop your network of ICU colleagues.

This course is aimed at those new to working in critical care, especially those working in isolation without a team of critical care dietitians to support them. It is aimed primarily at band 6’s and 7’s who have just moved into the specialist of critical care or having to provide clinical cover to this area. They will be working in the area but not experienced.

Learning Aims

  • To become aware of and appreciate the dietetic and physiological principles that are fundamental to working in a critical care setting

  • To gain the key skills and knowledge to be able to confidently work autonomously as a dietitian in a critical care setting

Learning Outcomes

  • To be able to describe and discuss the principles of professional practice related to critical care, such as national and international guidelines and unit-based initiatives and implement into own dietetic practice.

  • To demonstrate knowledge and ability to undertake all aspects of a dietetic assessment and development of a treatment plan for a critically ill patient, as per the BDA Dietetic Care Process


Delegates will be asked to complete no more than six hours of mandatory pre-course learning, via an interactive workbook which will be hosted in the BDA Learning Zone.  Topics covered broadly pertain to five themes of:

  1. International Guidelines and unit protocols

  2. Assessing Nutritional Risk, Biochemistry and Refeeding Syndrome

  3. Metabolic Response, Energy and protein targets, and effects of critical illness on nutritional interventions

  4. Nutrition Therapy routes: Enteral nutrition (EN) and Parenteral nutrition (PN), routes for EN and PN

  5. ICU Stepdown, Handover and Rehabilitation

The classroom event will build on the e-learning content and will provide participants the opportunity to ask questions, practically apply their learning, share local practice, and learn from others (including the ‘expert’ facilitators).



Arrival, refreshments & networking


Welcome and introductions


Context of the day and poll


Biochemistry & Refeeding Syndrome workshop


Break & refreshments


Case study workshop - Effects of critical illness, Metabolic Response and Estimating Targets


Lunch (provided)


Debate – Routes for Nutrition


Break & refreshments


Design the Perfect Enteral Nutrition Starter Protocol workshop


Reflection and poll



N.B Timings are subject to change

Register your interest