CAPA welcomes updated respiratory protective equipment guidance

The Covid Airborne Protection Alliance, which the BDA is a member of, welcomes updated Government guidance on respiratory protective equipment that will help keep healthcare workers, patients and the public safe.

Global recognition that COVID-19 is airborne shows UK is lagging behind

Infection control guidance and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provision are out of date and are placing health and care staff at risk, an alliance of health professional bodies, Royal Colleges and trade unions said today.

BDA joins call to Prime Minister to protect health care workers with better PPE

Alongside the Royal College of Nursing, the AGP Alliance and many more, the BDA has written to Boris Johnson to call for better ventilation, more research and a higher standard of PPE for health and care workers.

AGP Alliance Statement - provision of PPE

Full statement from the AGP Alliance responding to the recent report of the High Risk AGP Panel and the need for urgent provision of FFP3 masks to frontline staff.

Healthcare workers issue emergency call to Matt Hancock: "Stop praising us and start protecting us!"

The BDA, as part of the AGP Alliance, calls on government to take action on PPE for frontline healthcare staff during the pandemic

Union Blueprint for safe re-opening up of NHS

“We feel like lambs to the slaughter!” frontline NHS dietitians cry out for PPE

As over half of dietitians in the UK report a lack of PPE, the UK’s trade union for Dietitians and Dietetic Support Workers, the British Dietetic Association, calls for better protection for NHS workers.

BDA statements on Personal Protective Equipment

A more detailed explanation of the BDA's position regarding PPE and COVID-19, building on our previous statements included within our Advice to Dietitians FAQ.