Who is being balloted?

Following a consultative ballot by email the BDA are now balloting members in NHS Scotland around industrial action. NHS England and NHS Wales have also indicated they want a formal industrial action ballot and that will folllow shortly. The situation in Northern Ireland is more complex but we are chasing up accordingly.


What do I do if I have not yet received my ballot paper?

If you are a BDA member working in NHS Scotland and you have not yet received your ballot paper please get in touch with our Organising Officer with your name, membership number, employer, workplace, and home address.

The NHS Scotland ballots need to be returned to the ballot agency by 23 November 2022.


What is being asked on the NHS Scotland Industrial Action Ballot?

"Are you prepared to take part in industrial action consisting of a strike?" in response to the Scottish Government's pay offer.


What would a strike entail? Am I paid when I am on strike?

Strike action involves refusing to go to work on the designated day. You are not paid on this day. On the day itself unions assemble picket lines (with specific designated numbers) outside their workplaces to show they are not in work that day, encourage others to join the strike, and to discuss the issues that have forced them into this position. If BDA members vote to go on strike they will have the full support of their union.


Why do unions go on strike?

Workers take strike action as a way of demonstrating the vital nature of their work, to put pressure on those in charge, and to make their voices heard in disputes. It is not something which is taken lightly but it is a valuable tool in disputes when just verbal negotiation has not yielded positive results.


What happens to patients when healthcare workers go on strike?

There will be critical care coverage during all strike action. This is arranged between unions and the respective employers ensuring that care is present for those in urgent need.



This is a living document and additional queries and answers will be added when required