Nutrition and hydration and the MDT

This piece highlights the potential for placements ‘outside the norm’ and the importance of multidisciplinary working in delivering nutrition and hydration interventions.

BDA endorses newly updated guidance on eating and drinking difficulties

Newly updated nutrition and hydration guidance from the Royal College of Physicians has been published, with a particular focus on supporting people towards the end of life.

Call to build evidence base on nutrition in old age

BDA Older People Specialist Group respond to the recently published SACN report on nutrition for older people.

Nutrition at home after critical illness

It is common to find it difficult to eat after critical illness and maintain a healthy weight. This information sheet tells you about the nutrition to have at home and how to help with common problems you may have with eating.

Eating problems after critical illness: I don't feel hungry or I feel full very quickly when I'm eating

Eating problems after critical illness: I find it difficult to swallow or to chew

Eating problems after critical illness: I feel sick or I am sick, so I don’t feel like eating

Nutrition in hospital after critical illness

It is common to find it difficult to eat after critical illness and to maintain a healthy weight. This information tells you about the nutrition to have in hospital and how to help with common problems you may have with eating.

Eating problems after critical illness: I find it hard to eat because food tastes or smells different

Tips to help with eating problems after critical illness

It is common to find it difficult to eat after critical illness and to maintain a healthy weight. This information sheet tells you more about these problems and tips to help you.

There is no diet to prevent Coronavirus

The British Dietetic Association (BDA), representing dietitians across the UK, call on the public and media to stop the spread of nutrition pseudoscience in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.